A high school in Kentucky must have a principle on a huge power trip. This girl was sent to the principal’s office because of her outfit being “too revealing.”
According to her mom’s Facebook page, she wrote
“So this is my daughter at school today. I had to come to the school because according to her school principal what she is wearing is out of dress code and inappropriate for school. When I got there I found a group of female students standing in the office due to being out of dress code also.”
Posted by Stacie Dunn on Thursday, August 13, 2015
Apparently the school forbids girls to show their collarbones because it “may distract their male students.” Or some bull$%*! like that. Really? So they tried fixing the problem with this scarf, and…uh…
So Steph got sent home from school for giving the principal an attitude when he told her the scarf I brought her to cover up with was still inappropriate and she needed to fix it! What did he want her to tie it like a noose around her neck!!!!