Seriously?! They have to warn people? Then again I always tell people, you know why there’s a warning label on bleach that says “do not drink” right? Cause people have drank it. I can tell you from personal experience, do not drink bleach! I was 9 and for some reason my Grandma had bleach in a Dixie cup near the bathroom sink. I got done brushing my teeth and thought it was water. I puked for close to five minutes! Not only did I puke, I got yelled at by my Grandma for drinking bleach! How’s that work?! Anyway, short story long, the FDA is reminding people not to drink it. More specifically products — known as Miracle Mineral Solution, MMS and Chlorine Dioxide Protocol among other names-that are just like drinking bleach. The companies claim they are a miracle cure for Autism, Cancer, and HIV/AIDS. “Consumers should not use these products, and parents should not give these products to their children for any reason.” In 2010, the FDA compared the solution to industrial bleach and described consumer injuries ranging from severe nausea and vomiting to low blood pressure caused by dehydration.
FDA warns “Don’t Drink Bleach.”
By Eric Steele
Aug 13, 2019 | 11:08 AM
Too much info to take in? I’ll make it very,VERY, very simple for you. Drink bleach and this will happen.