Third Eye Blind will be back in the Nashville area later this month, and Stephan Jenkins called the Buzz Studios to talk about the show! Plus how much he loves Nashville and how gigantic it’s getting. And his new solo music out soon. We were also both highly buzzed on coffee during this chat. It was fun!!

Stephan Jenkins of Third Eye Blind Calls The Buzz Studios
By Hayley St. John
May 30, 2024 | 10:58 AM
What About "New Nashville" Makes You Roll Your Eyes The Most?
Paying $18 for a can of beer, seriously WTF?
Listening to someone say they're a "local" after living here for 1 month.
Influencers having photoshoots in the middle of the street for some reason.
Paying 50 bucks to park downtown for any more than 20 minutes.
IDK just bring back Opryland.
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