CAN IT BE!?!?!?!?
Mayor Briley broke the news today on Twitter, along with a letter that he wrote regarding the safety issues about the scooter situation in Nashville.
Last month, he gave the seven scooter companies 30 days to strengthen their safety, and after seeing no changes in that 30-day period, he will be removing the scooters from Nashville immediately. The official scooter count, as of today, went from 4,150 to ZERO.
He followed up on Twitter with,
If these devices return in the future, it will be after a public process, on our terms, with strict oversight for numbers, safety, and accessibility. I have asked the Metro legal team to draft this legislation, and I trust the Metro Council will move on it quickly.
Today, I notified Nashville's seven scooter companies of my decision to end the pilot period and ban e-scooters from our streets. We have seen the public safety and accessibility costs that these devices inflict, and it is not fair to our residents for this to continue.
— Mayor David Briley (@MayorBriley) June 21, 2019