Lacey Sturm, formerly of Flyleaf, has released her latest book. “The Return: Reflections on Loving God Back,” which marks Sturm’s third book, has the mission of helping people “see each day as a gift from God, find balance in their busy lives and discover the joy of giving God’s gifts back to him by using them to bring him glory.”
“It’s easy to go through days, weeks, even years on autopilot, moving from one activity to another, rarely taking the time to consider what it’s all for anyway,” reads the book’s official description. “Why did God make us? What does he want us to do with the time he has given us? And how can we find out?”
“My story is that I planned to commit suicide, and on this day that I planned to commit suicide, I had an encounter with God, and it saved my life,” she said in the interview. “So, my (focus) is on suicide… If I can convince someone that they’re worth more than they think they are, then I’m shooting at the right enemy, because that one of suicide is that feeling of hopelessness and worthlessness. That’s a big part of my story and why I sing and why I do what I do.”
This book couldn’t come at a better time with the recent losses of Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington and most recently celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain.
In other news, Sturm released her self-titled, debut solo album back in 2016. She has been touring in support of the release, most recently wrapping up a North American tour with Red and Righteous Vendetta.